Come Place Sent

Your time is now…

It’s time to rise to the hour

And walk in your true purpose

Boldly and with power

Sprinkled with grace

Unchartered territory awaits you

However I know you are ready…


Where you are now is not by coincidence

It is not a mistake but rather fate

You were appointed here in this struggle

For a divine purpose

Carefully positioned so that each

Transition speaks to someone

I know it’s not comfortable…

But it is designated and designed

To distinguish you later on as a deity

Don’t give up…


Do not be deviated from the divine

Path you have been directed upon

Obstacles will try to obstruct your order

If you omit to progressing forward

Sitting will almost feel like a sin

You must advance…


When you arrive at your mark

The chaos will clear

And all who wanted you to fall

You will now stand over


But you have to keep moving…

You’re almost there

Don’t stop now.