

We are almost there!

Are you ready for the fourth phase?  For some, this may be the hardest stage of all.

Now that you have stopped denying the facts, you have gotten your feelings in check and you realize what is really going on, you reach the fourth stage… depression. Of course, I do not have to define depression as I am sure most or even all of us have had a depression phase or two in our lives.

Depression is persistent at the early stages of it. No matter what you do, nothing seems to cheer you up nor make the situation better. It’s like being hit by a tornado right after surviving a hurricane. You may feel low, gloomy, hopeless but know that if you are determined, it won’t last.

There is no shame is crying, grieving, or even screaming. Your daily routine may be affected as well as your overall state of being. You may lose interest or desire for things that you normally do. Depression is something that needs to be let out and expressed in order for it to get better.

Do you remember the analogy of the ripped off bandage? Now is the time to make sure you are careful with that scar so you don’t infect it. Talk to someone or do things that make you happy as you heal from learning the truth. Try new things and stay as busy a possible.

So I ask…

What are some things that have you depressed?  How do you deal with your depression?  Is your method helping or hurting you?